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Red Wine And Cheese Pairings For Beginners: 5 Charts You Must Try!

When you think about what to pair with your wine, is cheese one of your first options? If that’s the case, you might wonder which cheese should I select?

That’s reasonable, considering that just like the world of wines, the world of cheese is very extense. And when we’re not as sensible about pairings, it might be hard to pick the right cheese with the right wine. In La Cava Chahue, we thought of five red wine and cheese pairings to help you out.

There aren’t rules, just options. But be aware that the best pairing is the one that pleases your senses the most.

5 Great red wine and cheese pairings

1.    Gruyere

Red wine and cheese pairings: Gruyere

Our first option is Gruyere cheese.

This cheese is made with whole milk from grass-fed cows, and it originated in Switzerland.

Gruyere cheese is pressed and cooked, and it’s defined by its grainy, hard crust, although it’s easily cut. It has a slightly fatty aspect and a yellow-to-ivory color.

Its scent is soft, somewhat sweet, and similar to nuts. And its flavor has slightly spicy dashes depending on its ripeness.

We enjoy it with our Pinot Noir Joel Gott 2019 from the Willamette Valley in Oregon.

The always-present red berry of a Pinot Noir is the perfect pairing for the nutty flavors of a medium-firm cheese like the Gruyere. They both have the right amount of aroma and complexity without running the risk of overpowering each other. 

2.    Gouda

Red wine and cheese pairings: Gouda

What can we pair Gouda with?

Gouda originated in the Netherlands, with its firm paste and defining yellow color. It’s named after the Dutch city of Gouda. 

It’s a ripened, semi-firm cheese with a usually cylindrical shape, made out of pasteurized cow milk.

The result is semi-cooked, salty, and ripened dough. The flavor is slightly sweet, and it goes well with a Mexican red wine called Relámpago from our dear friend, Sophie Avernin.

This wine from Southern California is made with Tempranillo, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon. It has an intense ruby red hue with light tans.

It has hints of red and black fruits like plums and raspberries with a mineral finish.

The palate is robust, with good acidity, which goes well with this cheese to produce more complex flavors.

3.    Edam

Red wine and cheese pairings: Edam

For our third red wine and cheese pairing option we have the Edam cheese, which originated in the Netherlands.

It’s made from pasteurized milk and has a flavor between salty and sweet.

It’s well-known for its paraffin crust layer, giving it its recognizable red color. 

The nutty cheese and velvety fruit of our Argentinian Tupun Malbec make for a pairing that anyone will enjoy.

Both the wine and the cheese are tasty and aromatic without being overwhelming, and the result is a complementary combination of complex flavors.

4.    Blue Stilton

Red wine and cheese pairings: Blue Stilton

Our fourth option is the Blue Stilton cheese, the most famous blue cheese variety.

It’s a semi-soft cheese with blue streaks. Blue Stilton has a solid and deep flavor, but it’s softer and creamier than other types of blue cheese. 

This cheese is rich, creamy, slightly salty, and delicious. We love it with an Oporto Bin 27, known for its full-body, sweetness, and bold character.

When dealing with all that, you need a cheese that matches or is somewhat smelly. 

The complex character of a spicy and salty Blue Stilton combines perfectly with an older and sweet Oporto. The stinkier the cheese, the sweeter the wine.

5.     Idiazábal 

Red wine and cheese pairings: Idiazabal

For our last red wine and cheese pairing option we selected the Idiazábal cheese, which comes from the North of Spain and is made from raw, unpasteurized sheep milk. The sheep must be from the “Latxa” and “Carranza” ovine breeds.

It has a rugged, smooth, and pale yellow crust. Its flavors have spicy hints, and it has the right touch of bitterness and saltiness.

We love this cheese with a Tempranillo Tramuz. Both are from Spain and have salty and smoky flavors that combine perfectly.

It’s an excellent combination with the rugged texture of the Idiazábal, while the wine’s tannins contrast with the buttery flavor of the cheese.

These are only some of the many options that exist. And, of course, the best one is the one that pleases your palate the most. 

You can find all these wine bottles by visiting our stores in Huatulco and Oaxaca City or our online shop. You can also visit our new Wine Bar at Chahue Corner, Huatulco.

In La Cava Chahué, we have the best wine options for your favorite cheeses!


La Cava Chahue

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